**Township cannot accept electronics, anything containing freon, vehicle batteries, tires, yard waste, leaves, or hazardous waste. Paint cans are accepted but must be dried and empty**
Welcome to
Monroe Township, Clarion County
Located in Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Monroe Township is home to approximately 1,583 people. Founded in 1832, it was initially part of Redbank Township but, after being incorporated into Clarion County that same year, it quickly became its own municipality. In total, the Monroe Township is 29.7 square miles and consists of roughly 49 miles of both paved and gravel roads. There are two school districts within the township limits; Clarion Area School District and Redbank Valley School District.
Township Updates and News
Need Top Soil?
The township will be doing a lot of ditching and grading of roads this summer. If you are in need of top soil call us to get on our list!
Posted 4/19/2024
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 2pm
Come visit us!
17956 RT 68
Sligo, PA 16255
(814) 745-2819